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(two or more colours)

  • 1 Colours

    Not all English colour terms have a single exact equivalent in French: for instance, in some circumstances brown is marron, in others brun. If in doubt, look the word up in the dictionary.
    Colour terms
    what colour is it?
    = c’est de quelle couleur? or (more formally) de quelle couleur est-il?
    it’s green
    = il est vert or elle est verte
    to paint sth green
    = peindre qch en vert
    to dye sth green
    = teindre qch en vert
    to wear green
    = porter du vert
    dressed in green
    = habillé de vert
    Colour nouns are all masculine in French:
    I like green
    = j’aime le vert
    I prefer blue
    = je préfère le bleu
    red suits her
    = le rouge lui va bien
    it’s a pretty yellow!
    = c’est un joli jaune!
    have you got it in white?
    = est-ce que vous l’avez en blanc?
    a pretty shade of blue
    = un joli ton de bleu
    it was a dreadful green
    = c’était un vert affreux
    a range of greens
    = une gamme de verts
    Most adjectives of colour agree with the noun they modify:
    a blue coat
    = un manteau bleu
    a blue dress
    = une robe bleue
    blue clothes
    = des vêtements bleus
    Some that don’t agree are explained below.
    Words that are not true adjectives
    Some words that translate English adjectives are really nouns in French, and so don’t show agreement:
    a brown shoe
    = une chaussure marron
    orange tablecloths
    = des nappes fpl orange
    hazel eyes
    = des yeux mpl noisette
    Other French words like this include: cerise ( cherry-red), chocolat ( chocolate-brown) and émeraude ( emerald-green).
    Shades of colour
    Expressions like pale blue, dark green or light yellow are also invariable in French and show no agreement:
    a pale blue shirt
    = une chemise bleu pâle
    dark green blankets
    = des couvertures fpl vert foncé
    a light yellow tie
    = une cravate jaune clair
    bright yellow socks
    = des chaussettes fpl jaune vif
    French can also use the colour nouns here: instead of une chemise bleu pâle you could say une chemise d’un bleu pâle ; and similarly des couvertures d’un vert foncé (etc). The nouns in French are normally used to translate English adjectives of this type ending in -er and -est:
    a darker blue
    = un bleu plus foncé
    the dress was a darker blue
    = la robe était d’un bleu plus foncé
    a lighter blue
    = un bleu plus clair (etc.)
    In the following examples, blue stands for most basic colour terms:
    pale blue
    = bleu pâle
    light blue
    = bleu clair
    bright blue
    = bleu vif
    dark blue
    = bleu foncé
    deep blue
    = bleu profond
    strong blue
    = bleu soutenu
    Other types of compound in French are also invariable, and do not agree with their nouns:
    a navy-blue jacket
    = une veste bleu marine
    These compounds include: bleu ciel ( sky-blue), vert pomme ( apple-green), bleu nuit ( midnight-blue), rouge sang ( blood-red) etc. However, all English compounds do not translate directly into French. If in doubt, check in the dictionary.
    French compounds consisting of two colour terms linked with a hyphen are also invariable:
    a blue-black material
    = une étoffe bleu-noir
    a greenish-blue cup
    = une tasse bleu-vert
    a greeny-yellow dress
    = une robe vert-jaune
    English uses the ending -ish, or sometimes -y, to show that something is approximately a certain colour, e.g. a reddish hat or a greenish paint. The French equivalent is -âtre:
    = bleuâtre
    greenish or greeny
    = verdâtre
    = grisâtre
    = rougeâtre
    yellowish or yellowy
    = jaunâtre
    Other similar French words are rosâtre, noirâtre and blanchâtre. Note however that these words are often rather negative in French. It is better not to use them if you want to be complimentary about something. Use instead tirant sur le rouge/jaune etc.
    To describe a special colour, English can add -coloured to a noun such as raspberry (framboise) or flesh (chair). Note how this is said in French, where the two-word compound with couleur is invariable, and, unlike English, never has a hyphen:
    a chocolate-coloured skirt
    = une jupe couleur chocolat
    raspberry-coloured fabric
    = du tissu couleur framboise
    flesh-coloured tights
    = un collant couleur chair
    Colour verbs
    English makes some colour verbs by adding -en (e.g. blacken). Similarly French has some verbs in -ir made from colour terms:
    to blacken
    = noircir
    to redden
    = rougir
    to whiten
    = blanchir
    The other French colour terms that behave like this are: bleu (bleuir), jaune (jaunir), rose (rosir) and vert (verdir). It is always safe, however, to use devenir, thus:
    to turn purple
    = devenir violet
    Describing people
    Note the use of the definite article in the following:
    to have black hair
    = avoir les cheveux noirs
    to have blue eyes
    = avoir les yeux bleus
    Note the use of à in the following:
    a girl with blue eyes
    = une jeune fille aux yeux bleus
    the man with black hair
    = l’homme aux cheveux noirs
    Not all colours have direct equivalents in French. The following words are used for describing the colour of someone’s hair (note that les cheveux is plural in French):
    = blond
    = brun
    blonde or blond
    = blond
    = châtain inv
    = roux
    = noir
    = gris
    = blanc
    Check other terms such as yellow, ginger, auburn, mousey etc. in the dictionary.
    Note these nouns in French:
    a fair-haired man
    = un blond
    a fair-haired woman
    = une blonde
    a dark-haired man
    = un brun
    a dark-haired woman
    = une brune
    The following words are useful for describing the colour of someone’s eyes:
    = bleu
    light blue
    = bleu clair inv
    light brown
    = marron clair inv
    = marron inv
    = noisette inv
    = vert
    = gris
    = gris-vert inv
    = noir

    Big English-French dictionary > Colours

  • 2 brightly

    brightly [ˈbraɪtlɪ]
       a. [sparkle] de mille feux
       c. [say, smile] jovialement
    * * *
    1) ( vividly) [dressed] de couleurs vives

    brightly coloured — ( several colours) aux couleurs vives; ( of one colour) de couleur vive

    2) (of sun, fire) [shine, burn] d'un éclat vif; (of eyes, metal) [shine, sparkle] intensément
    3) ( intensely) [lit] brillamment
    4) ( cheerfully) joyeusement

    English-French dictionary > brightly

  • 3 Planting

    The term applied to a process in weaving by which coloured threads are interchanged. By this method two or more colours are woven to occupy the space of one pick, the planted wefts float on the underside when not figuring on the surface. They weave without making rows on the face across the piece.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Planting

  • 4 Raw Material Dyed Yarns

    Fibres dyed in the unspun state. The system is common in the wool trade, but not often done with cotton or other fibres. The wool is dyed either in the loose or top form and a mixture yarn is obtained by blending two or more colours.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Raw Material Dyed Yarns

  • 5 Carpets

    The principal types are Axminster, Brussels and Wilton, and brief particulars of each are given below. A more detailed description is given under each name. Axminster is a cut fabric made any width and with any number of colours. It is not produced on a jacquard, therefore the pile does not show on the back. The design is developed by a series of tufts which are bound into the fabric, every tuft is on the surface and only the foundation cloth is seen at the back. There are two principal varieties of these carpets, the Chenille Axminster and the Machine tufted Axminster. The Chenille type is made by two distinct operations, that of manufacturing the chenille weft and that of weaving the carpet with this weft. The " fur or chenille is first woven on an ordinary loom (see chenille) and when cut into the strips is used as weft with a linen, jute or folded cotton warp. The chenille is made preferably with the leno way of shedding in order to bind the wool yarn more firmly. All the figuring weft is on the surface and not embedded in the fabric. The chenille weft is often inserted by hand, but several mechanical methods for doing the work are now in use. From three to six tufts per inch are usual. The chenille Axminster Carpet is also known as the Patent Axminster carpet. The machine-tufted type or Royal Axminster is also formed from pile tufts previously prepared and afterwards woven in the ground warp and bound into the fabric with a binding weft. The tufts may be inserted by hand and the pile is all on the surface of the fabric. This pile is a warp product, whereas for the chenille variety it is weft. Axminster carpets are a product of skill and patience and any number of colours can be used. There are several varieties of machine-made axminster carpets. Wilton is a cut pile fabric woven 27-in. wide from not more than six colours, the yarns are fine counts and design produced by jacquards. Brussels is made almost in the same way as a Wilton, but the pile is not cut and this shows as loops on the face. The yarn is much coarser than for Wiltons. Kidderminster - A carpet made from two or more plain cloths woven together. Each cloth is brought on the face for figuring as required. Turkish - These are hand made. The pile is put into the ground warp by hand as tufts and knotted round them according to pattern. There are two picks of ground weft between each row of pile. Tapestry - Carpets woven from printed warps. The pile is cut or left uncut as required for the design. Persian - Carpets similar to Turkish, being hand made. See also Axminster, Brussels, Kidderminster, Persian Tapestry, Turkish, Wilton Carpets, Body Brussels, Brusselette, Ingrain.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Carpets

  • 6 clash

    1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) sonido
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) choque
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) enfrentamiento
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) coincidencia; conflicto; superposición

    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) sonar, entrechocar
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) enfrentarse
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) discutir
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) coincidir
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) desentonar
    clash1 n enfrentamiento / choque
    clash2 vb
    1. tener un enfrentamiento / chocar
    2. desentonar
    3. coincidir
    1 (fight) enfrentamiento, choque nombre masculino; (disagreement, argument) desacuerdo
    2 (conflict - of interests) conflicto; (- of personalities, cultures) choque nombre masculino; (- of opinions) disparidad nombre femenino, choque nombre masculino; (coinciding - of times, dates, classes) coincidencia; (bad match - of colours) falta de armonía
    3 (loud noise) sonido
    1 (opposing forces - fight) chocar; (- disagree) discutir, enfrentarse ( with, a)
    2 (interests) estar en conflicto
    3 (dates, events) coincidir
    4 (colours) desentonar ( with, con)
    5 (cymbals) sonar
    clash ['klæʃ] vi
    1) : sonar, chocarse
    the cymbals clashed: los platillos sonaron
    2) : chocar, enfrentarse
    the students clashed with the police: los estudiantes se enfrentaron con la policía
    3) conflict: estar en conflicto, oponerse
    4) : desentonar (dícese de los colores), coincidir (dícese de los datos)
    1) : ruido m (producido por un choque)
    2) conflict, confrontation: enfrentamiento m, conflicto m, choque m
    3) : desentono m (de colores), coincidencia f (de datos)
    ruido s.m.
    choque s.m.
    colisión s.f.
    encuentro s.m.
    enfrentamiento s.m.
    fragor s.m.
    repiquete s.m.
    batir v.
    chocar v.
    desentonar v.
    entrechocarse v.
    golpear v.
    oponerse v.
    1) c ( of interests) conflicto m; (of cultures, personalities) choque m; (of opinions, views) disparidad f
    2) c (between armies, factions) enfrentamiento m, choque m
    3) ( noise)

    a) \<\<aims/interests\>\> estar* en conflicto or en pugna; \<\<personalities\>\> chocar*
    b) \<\<colors/patterns\>\> desentonar
    2) \<\<armies/factions/leaders\>\> chocar*

    to clash WITH somebody (OVER something) — chocar* con alguien (acerca de algo)

    3) \<\<dates\>\> coincidir
    a) ( make noise) \<\<cymbals/swords\>\> sonar* ( al entrechocarse)
    b) ( collide) chocar*

    vt \<\<cymbals\>\> tocar*; \<\<weapons\>\> entrechocar*
    1. N
    1) (=noise) estruendo m, fragor m ; [of cymbals] ruido m metálico
    2) [of armies, personalities] choque m ; (=conflict) choque m, conflicto m ; (=confrontation) enfrentamiento m ; [of interests, opinions] conflicto m ; [of dates, programmes] coincidencia f ; [of colours] desentono m

    a clash with the policeun choque or un enfrentamiento con la policía

    VT [+ cymbals, swords] golpear
    3. VI
    1) [personalities, interests] oponerse, chocar; [colours] desentonar; [dates, events] coincidir
    2) (=disagree) estar en desacuerdo; (=argue) pelear; (Mil) encontrarse, enfrentarse ( with con)
    * * *
    1) c ( of interests) conflicto m; (of cultures, personalities) choque m; (of opinions, views) disparidad f
    2) c (between armies, factions) enfrentamiento m, choque m
    3) ( noise)

    a) \<\<aims/interests\>\> estar* en conflicto or en pugna; \<\<personalities\>\> chocar*
    b) \<\<colors/patterns\>\> desentonar
    2) \<\<armies/factions/leaders\>\> chocar*

    to clash WITH somebody (OVER something) — chocar* con alguien (acerca de algo)

    3) \<\<dates\>\> coincidir
    a) ( make noise) \<\<cymbals/swords\>\> sonar* ( al entrechocarse)
    b) ( collide) chocar*

    vt \<\<cymbals\>\> tocar*; \<\<weapons\>\> entrechocar*

    English-spanish dictionary > clash

  • 7 clash

    1. intransitive verb
    1) scheppern (ugs.); [Becken:] dröhnen; [Schwerter:] aneinander schlagen
    2) (meet in conflict) zusammenstoßen ( with mit)
    3) (disagree) sich streiten
    4) (be incompatible) aufeinander prallen; [Interesse, Ereignis:] kollidieren ( with mit); [Persönlichkeit, Stil:] nicht zusammenpassen ( with mit); [Farbe:] sich beißen (ugs.) ( with mit)
    2. transitive verb 3. noun
    1) (of cymbals) Dröhnen, das; (of swords) Aneinanderschlagen, das
    2) (meeting in conflict) Zusammenstoß, der
    3) (disagreement) Auseinandersetzung, die
    4) (incompatibility) Unvereinbarkeit, die; (of personalities, styles, colours) Unverträglichkeit, die; (of events) Überschneidung, die
    * * *
    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) das Geklirre
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) der Widerstreit
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) der Zusammenprall
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) der Zusammenstoß
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) klirren
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) zusammenprallen
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) heftig streiten
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) unvereinbar sein
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) nicht zusammenpassen
    * * *
    I. vi
    1. (come into conflict) zusammenstoßen, aneinandergeraten
    2. (compete against) aufeinandertreffen
    3. (contradict) kollidieren geh
    to \clash with sth mit etw dat im Widerspruch stehen
    4. (be discordant) nicht harmonieren; colours sich beißen [o ÖSTERR a. schlagen
    5. esp BRIT, AUS (coincide inconveniently) zusammenfallen, kollidieren geh
    to \clash with another event mit einem anderen Ereignis kollidieren
    6. (make harsh noise) klirren, scheppern fam
    II. vt MUS
    to \clash cymbals [together] Becken gegeneinanderschlagen
    III. n
    <pl -es>
    1. (hostile encounter) Zusammenstoß m, Kollision f geh; (strong disagreement) Auseinandersetzung f
    2. (contest) Aufeinandertreffen nt
    3. (conflict) Konflikt m
    a \clash of loyalties ein Loyalitätskonflikt m
    4. (incompatibility) Unvereinbarkeit f
    5. esp BRIT, AUS (inconvenient simultaneous occurrence) unglückliches Zusammentreffen
    6. (loud harsh noise) Geklirr nt
    * * *
    1. vi
    1) (armies, demonstrators) zusammenstoßen

    the chairman clashed with the committee at the last meeting — der Vorsitzende hatte auf der letzten Sitzung eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Komitee

    unions clash with government over payin der Tariffrage gibt es einen Konflikt zwischen Gewerkschaften und Regierung

    2) (colours) nicht harmonieren, sich beißen; (interests) kollidieren, aufeinanderprallen; (programmes, films) sich überschneiden
    3) (cymbals etc) aneinanderschlagen; (swords) klirrend aneinanderschlagen
    2. vt
    cymbals, swords schlagen
    3. n
    1) (of armies, demonstrators etc) Zusammenstoß m; (between people, parties) Konflikt m

    there's bound to be a clash between the chairman and the vice-chairmanzwischen dem Vorsitzenden und seinem Stellvertreter muss es ja zu einem Zusammenstoß kommen

    2) (of personalities) grundsätzliche Verschiedenheit, Unvereinbarkeit f

    we want to avoid a clash of personalities in the officewir wollen keine Leute im Büro, die absolut nicht miteinander harmonieren

    3) (of swords) Aufeinanderprallen nt
    * * *
    clash [klæʃ]
    A v/i
    1. klirren, rasseln
    2. klirrend aneinanderstoßen oder -schlagen
    3. a) prallen, stoßen ( beide:
    into gegen)
    b) kollidieren, (auch feindlich) zusammenprallen, zusammenstoßen ( alle:
    with mit)
    4. fig (with) kollidieren:
    a) aneinandergeraten (mit)
    b) im Widerspruch stehen (zu), unvereinbar sein (mit)
    c) (zeitlich) zusammenfallen (mit)
    5. nicht zusammenpassen oder harmonieren ( with mit):
    these colo(u)rs clash diese Farben beißen sich
    B v/t
    1. klirren oder rasseln mit
    2. auch clash together klirrend aneinanderschlagen
    C s
    1. Geklirr n, Gerassel n
    2. (auch feindlicher) Zusammenstoß, Zusammenprall m, Kollision f (auch fig):
    clash of interests Interessenkollision
    3. fig Konflikt m, Widerspruch m, -streit m, Reibung f
    4. (zeitliches) Zusammenfallen
    * * *
    1. intransitive verb
    1) scheppern (ugs.); [Becken:] dröhnen; [Schwerter:] aneinander schlagen
    2) (meet in conflict) zusammenstoßen ( with mit)
    3) (disagree) sich streiten
    4) (be incompatible) aufeinander prallen; [Interesse, Ereignis:] kollidieren ( with mit); [Persönlichkeit, Stil:] nicht zusammenpassen ( with mit); [Farbe:] sich beißen (ugs.) ( with mit)
    2. transitive verb 3. noun
    1) (of cymbals) Dröhnen, das; (of swords) Aneinanderschlagen, das
    2) (meeting in conflict) Zusammenstoß, der
    3) (disagreement) Auseinandersetzung, die
    4) (incompatibility) Unvereinbarkeit, die; (of personalities, styles, colours) Unverträglichkeit, die; (of events) Überschneidung, die
    * * *
    Zusammenstoß m. v.
    klirren v.
    rasseln v.
    schmettern v.

    English-german dictionary > clash

  • 8 clash

    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) brag; klang; klirren
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) sammenstød
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) sammenstød; konflikt
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) sammenstød
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) støde sammen
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) støde sammen
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) tørne sammen
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) falde oveni
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) støde sammen; stikke af mod
    * * *
    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) brag; klang; klirren
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) sammenstød
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) sammenstød; konflikt
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) sammenstød
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) støde sammen
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) støde sammen
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) tørne sammen
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) falde oveni
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) støde sammen; stikke af mod

    English-Danish dictionary > clash

  • 9 clash

    I [klæʃ]
    1) (confrontation) confronto m.; fig. (disagreement) conflitto m.
    2) sport (contest) scontro m.
    3) (contradiction) conflitto m., contrasto m.
    5) (noise) (of swords) clangore m.

    a clash of cymbalsun suono o frastuono di piatti

    II 1. [klæʃ]
    verbo transitivo (bang) chiudere rumorosamente, sbattere [ bin lids]; battere [ cymbals]
    1) (meet and fight) [armies, groups] scontrarsi; fig. (disagree) [ leaders] scontrarsi, essere in disaccordo

    to clash with sb. — (fight) scontrarsi con qcn.; (disagree) essere in disaccordo con qcn. (on, over su)

    2) (be in conflict) [interests, beliefs] essere in conflitto
    3) (coincide) [ meetings] coincidere
    4) (not match) [ colours] stonare
    5) (bang) [ bin lids] chiudersi rumorosamente, sbattere
    * * *
    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) rumore metallico, clangore
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) scontro, disaccordo
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) scontro
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) sovrapposizione
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) sbattere, urtarsi
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) scontrarsi
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) essere in disaccordo
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) coincidere
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) sbattere
    * * *
    I [klæʃ]
    1) (confrontation) confronto m.; fig. (disagreement) conflitto m.
    2) sport (contest) scontro m.
    3) (contradiction) conflitto m., contrasto m.
    5) (noise) (of swords) clangore m.

    a clash of cymbalsun suono o frastuono di piatti

    II 1. [klæʃ]
    verbo transitivo (bang) chiudere rumorosamente, sbattere [ bin lids]; battere [ cymbals]
    1) (meet and fight) [armies, groups] scontrarsi; fig. (disagree) [ leaders] scontrarsi, essere in disaccordo

    to clash with sb. — (fight) scontrarsi con qcn.; (disagree) essere in disaccordo con qcn. (on, over su)

    2) (be in conflict) [interests, beliefs] essere in conflitto
    3) (coincide) [ meetings] coincidere
    4) (not match) [ colours] stonare
    5) (bang) [ bin lids] chiudersi rumorosamente, sbattere

    English-Italian dictionary > clash

  • 10 clash

    klæʃ 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) klirring, brak, klang
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) sammenstøt, konflikt
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) sammenstøt, slag
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) -konflikt, sammenstøt
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) slå skramlende (mot hverandre)
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) tørne/støte sammen
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) ryke i tottene på
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) kollidere (med)
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) stå skrikende mot hverandre, stikke grelt av mot
    subst. \/klæʃ\/
    1) (om høy, ubehagelig lyd) skrell, smell, brak, skramling, skraping, klirring, rasling
    2) sammenstøt, kollisjon, krasj
    3) ( om konflikt eller fysisk kamp mellom personer) sammenstøt, trefning, strid
    4) konflikt, disharmoni
    clash of interests interessekonflikt
    clash of opinions meningsbrytning, meningsforskjell
    cultural clash kulturkollisjon
    verb \/klæʃ\/
    1) smelle, skramle, klirre, klinge
    2) skramle med, sette med et smell, slå (sammen) med et smell
    3) støte sammen, kollidere, krasje
    4) ryke i tottene på hverandre, ryke i krangel, tørne sammen, komme i strid
    5) komme i konflikt, ikke stemme, være uforenlig, skjære seg, stride
    6) ruse, styrte
    clash together støte sammen, kollidere
    clash with være uforenlig med skjære seg mot stride mot kollidere med

    English-Norwegian dictionary > clash

  • 11 clash

    [klæʃ] 1. n
    (fight, disagreement) starcie nt; (of beliefs, cultures, styles) zderzenie nt; (of events, appointments) nałożenie się nt; ( of weapons) szczęk m; ( of cymbals) brzęk m
    2. vi
    gangs, political opponents ścierać się (zetrzeć się perf); beliefs kolidować (ze sobą); colours, styles kłócić się (ze sobą); two events, appointments kolidować, nakładać się (nałożyć się perf) (na siebie); weapons szczękać (zaszczękać perf); cymbals brzękać (brzęknąć perf)
    * * *
    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) szczęk
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) konflikt
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) starcie
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) kolizja
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) dźwięczeć
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) ścierać się
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) kłócić się
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) kolidować
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) gryźć się, kłócić się

    English-Polish dictionary > clash

  • 12 team

    I 1. [tiːm]
    1) (of people) squadra f., équipe f., gruppo m., team m.
    2) (of horses, oxen) tiro m.; (of huskies) muta f.
    modificatore [ sport] di squadra; [colours, performance, leader] di una squadra
    II [tiːm]
    * * *
    1) (a group of people forming a side in a game: a football team.) squadra
    2) (a group of people working together: A team of doctors.) gruppo
    3) (two or more animals working together eg pulling a cart, plough etc: a team of horses/oxen.) attacco, tiro
    - team-work
    - team up
    * * *
    I 1. [tiːm]
    1) (of people) squadra f., équipe f., gruppo m., team m.
    2) (of horses, oxen) tiro m.; (of huskies) muta f.
    modificatore [ sport] di squadra; [colours, performance, leader] di una squadra
    II [tiːm]

    English-Italian dictionary > team

  • 13 clash

    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) árekstur, skellur
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) ágreiningur
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) átök
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) átök
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) lenda saman, rekast á
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) takast á, berjast
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) lenda saman, rífast
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) rekast á
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) eiga ekki saman

    English-Icelandic dictionary > clash

  • 14 clash

    nézeteltérés, fecsegés, pletyka, csörömpölés to clash: összeüt, ütközik, összeütközik, ellenkezik
    * * *
    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) csattanás
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) összeütközés
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) összecsapás
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) összecsapás
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) összeüt(ődik)
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) összecsap
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) összeütközik
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) összeesik
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) üti egymást

    English-Hungarian dictionary > clash

  • 15 clash

    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) clangor
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) choque
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) confronto
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) incompatibilidade
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) bater
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) defrontar-se
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) entrar em conflito
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) sobrepor-se
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) berrar com
    * * *
    [klæʃ] n 1 estrondo, estrépito, som de choque, som metálico. 2 choque, colisão. 3 conflito, desacordo, discordância, oposição. • vt+vi 1 estrepitar, estrondear. 2 bater, colidir, chocar-se com estrondo. 3 bater, fechar com estrondo. 4 discordar, colidir, entrar em conflito. 5 não combinar, estar em desarmonia (de cores). 6 ir de encontro a, impedir, opor-se a.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clash

  • 16 clash

    n. çarpışma sesi, gümbürtü, çatışma, uyuşmazlık, ayrılık, uyumsuzluk, çarpışma
    v. gümbürdemek, çatırdamak; çatışmak, bindirmek, çarpışmak, çarpmak; uymamak, uyuşmamak, gitmemek, anlaşamamak
    * * *
    1. çarpış (v.) 2. çarpışma (n.)
    * * *
    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) şakırtı
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) çatışma, uyuşmazlık
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) çarpışma
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) çakışma
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) şıngırdamak
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) çarpışmak
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) anlaşamamak
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) çakışmak
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) uyuşmamak, birbirine uymamak

    English-Turkish dictionary > clash

  • 17 clash

    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) žvenket
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) nasprotje
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) spopad
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) konflikt
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) udariti skupaj
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) spopasti se
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) prepirati se
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) križati se
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) ne ujemati se
    * * *
    I [klæš]
    intransitive verb & transitive verb
    žvenketati, rožljati; ( against ob) udariti, zadeti; ( with) trčiti, ne se ujemati, sovpadati, kolidirati; (to) zaloputniti
    II [klæš]
    prepir, nesoglasje, nasprotje; rožljanje, žvenket

    English-Slovenian dictionary > clash

  • 18 clash

    • olla ristiriidassa
    • pamaus
    • ryminä
    • ristiriita
    • rämähtää
    • ryske
    • häly
    • iskeä yhteen
    • isku
    • helinä
    • törmäys
    • törmätä
    • törmätä vastakkain
    • yhteenotto
    • yhteentörmäys
    • riidellä
    • kalskahtaa
    • kaikua
    • kamppailu
    • kalahtaa
    • kalista
    • kajahdus
    • kalske
    • hankaus
    • selkkaus
    • tappelu
    * * *
    klæʃ 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) kalske
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) yhteentörmäys
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) yhteenotto
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) päällekkäisyys
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) kalahtaa vastakkain
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) ottaa yhteen
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) ottaa yhteen
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) sattua päällekkäin
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) riidellä

    English-Finnish dictionary > clash

  • 19 clash

    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) žvadzoņa; dārdoņa
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) konflikts; nesaskaņa
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) sadursme
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) konflikts
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) žvadzēt; dārdēt
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) nonākt sadursmē
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) nonākt konfliktā
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) sakrist vienā laikā
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) nesaskanēt (par krāsām)
    * * *
    žvadzoņa; konflikts, sadursme; žvadzēt; nonākt konfliktā; nesaskanēt; sakrist vienā laikā

    English-Latvian dictionary > clash

  • 20 clash

    [klæʃ] 1. noun
    1) (a loud noise, like eg swords striking together: the clash of metal on metal.) žvangesys
    2) (a serious disagreement or difference: a clash of personalities.) konfliktas
    3) (a battle: a clash between opposing armies.) susirėmimas, mūšis
    4) ((of two or more things) an act of interfering with each other because of happening at the same time: a clash between classes.) sutapimas
    2. verb
    1) (to strike together noisily: The cymbals clashed.) žvangtelėti
    2) (to fight (in battle): The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley.) susikauti, susiremti
    3) (to disagree violently: They clashed over wages.) susikivirčyti
    4) (to interfere (with something or each other) because of happening at the same time: The two lectures clash.) sutapti
    5) ((of colours) to appear unpleasant when placed together: The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.) kirstis

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > clash

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